At this time, Amber Rene is only shipping within the United States. No International shipments will be sent out. USPS is the shipping courier that I use.

  • For purchases made directly through the webpage, please allow 1-3 days for processing, adjustments if needed, fulfillment and shipping.

  • For custom request purchases, please allow 3-10 days for processing, assembly, fulfillment and shipping. (The number of days depends on if the material is in stock or needs to be purchased)


If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact me by responding to your fulfillment confirmation email. Be sure to include the reason why you want to return the item(s) and I will respond with return shipping instructions as soon as possible. All return shipping charges will be the responsibility of the purchaser.

  • For new and unused items: To receive a full refund minus the shipping charges from the original purchase, the item(s) must be returned within 7 calendar days from the day of receipt. Item(s) must be in new and unused condition with the same packaging that you received it in. If the item(s) are not returned in new and unused condition or with original packaging, Amber Rene has the right to determine the refund amount that will be returned back to you. Once the refund amount is determined, you will receive an email confirmation that will include details of how the refund was determined. Please allow up to 10 calendar days for refunds to be processed and finalized from the date that Amber Rene received the item back.

  • For broken or damaged items: If the item is damaged upon arrival, please send me pictures immediately and I will gladly replaced the item for you at no additional charge. If your item breaks within 30 calendar days, please let me know and we can determine if you want me to repair the item. If repairs are agreed upon, then all salvageable pieces must be collected and returned back to Amber Rene. I will be happy to repair the item for you at no charge unless there are missing pieces. If there are missing pieces when I repair the item, additional charges will be communicated to you if I need to add material to your item(s). Please note, the item(s) will not be shipped back to you until payment for additional charges are received. The purchaser is responsible for all return shipping charges for broken items.