Welcome to the bag shop! There is nothing more satisfying than to have a bag that you don’t have to keep fussing with, a bag that doesn’t keep slipping off of your shoulder or put your arm to sleep. A bag that frees up your hands to carry other things. Our favorite type of bags are the cross body bags with adjustable straps or we like to call them Sling-A-Dings. With a sling-a-ding, you don’t have to worry about trying to juggle all your stuff while holding a bag strap. Just sling the strap over your shoulder and go! Perfect for hiking, walking your dog, quick runs to the store or everyday use. We offer a variety of sizes depending on how much stuff you like to carry. Fabric type and size dimensions are listed in the description of each bag. The “Serena” bag is very small, perfect for a cell phone, id and chapstick. The “Amber” is a medium size bag. The “Lisa” bag is a large sized bag and for extra large items, you would want the “Peggy” bag.